Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Well-Laid Plans

Everyone is on a journey at making their plans come to life. Some may just let the ship sail on its own and go with it. But at the end of the road, we all want that "Aaaah. The good life." Maybe you're one of the little girls who planned their dream wedding with their bestfriend as they play around with blankets as your wedding gown and place a pillowcase on your head as your veil. Or maybe as you watch a basketball game with your Dad, you see yourself being in the shoes of those players. Or I dunno, maybe you followed the girl of your dreams around during high school and planned your future together. That right there, my friend, is a plan and you thought to yourself that you would do anything to make it come to life. 

But you see, as years go by and reality starts to kick in, you seem to forget all the big plans you had when you were little. You started to realize that the process of having your plans come true is just excruciating. You get tired of working so hard and get nothing out of it. Everything seems to be falling out of place and nothing leads you to where you want to be. You tend to settle for less than you deserve. And that I-can-only-do-so-much keeps bitchin' out. That will leave you nothing but regrets. Wouldn't you want to work for something that you really want? That even if you're faced with a lot of challenges that day, you go home full of satisfaction because you know that what you're doing makes you happy. It's when you find your self-worth. 

If your timetable is all messed up right now and nothing in your checklist is near from happening, that's okay. Trust me, it's perfectly fine. You see, God moves slowly and cautiously. He's with you on your plans. He's crafting everything perfectly for you. You just have to give it time. After all, well-laid plans take time. And whatever you're going through right now, that's temporary. With a pinch hardwork and a dash of God's grace, you're right on track. 

"Exactly as I plan, it will happen. Following my blueprints, it will take shape."
Isaiah 14:24

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