My baby's a year older now!!!! Time panned so fast. Now, I'm a Mom to a one-year old dog. Haaay, they grow up so fast. Anyhooo, I've never had an entry about my baby on this blog, so since this is his birthday, this is for you, lovey!

For starters, I used to hate dogs. More like, I fear dogs. I always find them as a beast that could eat me all up with their sharp dog teeth. I never find them cute or adorable in every way. I've had this fear since a dog bit me on my cousin's birthday party. I was petting him and touching his furry hair and the dog suddenly bit me on my right shoulder, since then, I've had a molten fury with dogs. My Mom and little brother always wanted a dog but since I hate dogs, they can't have what they want (coz I'm the boss haha). Until one night as my dormmates and I are having dinner, Martin, a guy who lives two doors away from our room, showed a photo of his puppies. And I thought aaaaawwwwww cuuuuuutie! They really are cute, and there's this one puppy who looks like Wako-wako. So cute! And I found out that he's selling those puppies, their shih-tzu pups, btw. Then I thought of my Mom wanting to have a dog, so I texted her if she still wants a dog. And of course she said yes. I told Martin that I'd get one of his puppies and he said he'll give it to me the week after. Dun dun dunnnn! I still fear dogs then.
Friday. February 1. As I was getting prepped for my class, Martin knocked on my door carrying a dog cage. Uh oh. The puppy's here. What to do. He was in a hurry that day so he just dropped the puppy at our room. He told me to carry the puppy, I tried, and its body felt squishy and flimsy. I held him as I sat down on the floor and I just felt love at first sight. He was so cute and so lambing. Oh yea, it's a he. He rested his face on my lap when I put him down. Huhu. I can still remember that moment right there. And I completely forgot that I had to come to class. Was 40 mins. late for my Film App class, but oh well. My parents fetched me and named the puppy FRISKY while we're on the way home.
I think of you while in class, baby |
Since that day, my fear of dogs completely vanished. I'm always excited to come home because I know some cutie's waiting for me. And I never feel unloved whenever I see "cuddle weather" tweets on my thread because I have Frisky to cuddle with. After a long tiring day, the first thing that I do when I got home: I would pick him up, put him on my lap, pet him and sniff him all over. You can really tell that a dog's loves you the same way you love him. By the time Frisky got really sick, I was really really worried. He didn't eat for 4 days and he was puking non-stop. I thought he's going to die that time. I remember calling up my Mom to come home quickly because I thought Frisky's about to die. In class, all I could ever think of was him, if he's home from the vet and got better or he just died. Yea, I'm a pessimist like that. Gladly, he got better after a week and couldn't be happier.
Haaay Frisky! You brought out the Mommy in me. Just know that I love you so much and you'll always always be my baby no matter how old you get. Now you're in your first year and that's like 7 years in dog years, I know you'll eventually have baby Friskys to another dog. Hmp! Stay malambing to me and masungit to others ha. Haha no. Stop scaring strangers na ha. Big boy ka na, act your age na. I know there's no way you can read this haha, but I just want to show the whole world how much I wuv you, baby ko! Happy happy birthday! Uhmmmmwaaaah!!!
"Frisky, I'm home!" |
Sick for 4 days |
I'm not in the mood, Mommy |
Frisky checking me out on bed |
Congratulations, graduates of 2013! |
Sea sick |
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