Gummy candies. Marshmallows. Cupcakes. Ketchup. These are the words that can best describe my girl pal, Leobhel. She's not the average girl you would see putting make-up on, flirting/making papansin with random guys, pulling off those designer clothes, and all. Rather she's the type of girl you would see reading romance novels, eating ketchup out of the sachet, dancing the "Burn The Fats" dance move, writing a fictional story but had never written a story of her own. She has always been a giver, as daughter, a sister, and as a friend. What I love most about her is she would stay up all night just to help me make my art projects (she does most of it, though), hehe, no, not that. Leobhel would always make you feel loved and cared for. So in return, I want to throw a carnival themed party for my dear Bhelly for her 18th birthday. I could use a lot of help from my friends and her friends (they are obliged to give their moolah from their Mom and Pop's wallet). So if you're reading this, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help me organize this party that our baby Bhelly demanded for the last two years.
Let us be Bhelly's fairy godmothers to make this magical event possible. :)