For starters, I'm single, unattached, unavailable and uninterested but happy! And so it's February, the so-called "love month" and there goes the so-called Valentine's day! But as for me, it's a SINGLE AWARENESS DAY!!! Well, my V-day went a little like this..
Started off my V-day attending KARAKOL, but since our block have no complete preparation, we didn't join the parade at all. Along with my blockmates, we ate at Tempura Sam to indulge ourselves with Japanese food. Until I realized that it would be way lonely if I won't get anything from anyone. So I had a deal with my friend, Jojo, to buy me a long stem orange rose and in return, I'll give her a long stem yellow rose. There! Lonely no more! It was beyond my expectation that I would really get something from someone that day, I got a plant from a guy friend, a letter from a friend, a white rose and a pot of plant from dunno-who, and a text convo with the most hot professor I had, Mr. Atom Araullo. Got to sang my heart out along with my girlfriends at the Coca Cola's music booth and ended the day with a Valentine's dinner date with my dormates.
My roomies! Drew this on Feb 13. Mulling over why am I loveless *sad face* loljk |
For me? Aww |
For you! Aww |
Who cares if we're single? Yeah |
Open Coca-Cola. Open happiness. |
Open house @ DLSU-D dormitory. I miss you, Waling-waling dorm! :( |
Reunited with Mareng Andi |
Sulitin ang pagkakataong libre ang Coke! |
My specialty, toasted bread. :P |
This actually made my whole day :'> |
Pasta ala Arvin |
Thank you! Love love love! ♥ |